COVID-19 HBB P II Project 4 (HFNC Project)

Project Proposer Name:Halima Karim

Phone: 5302196840
Description: Providing High flow oxygen delivery system in Chittagong for COVID19 patient with respiratory failure.
Scope and Impact: Has of June 10 Th Bangladesh reported 71,675 confirmed cases and more than 1000 deaths. Yet , the pick is expected to be at the end of June or beginning of July .
Medical system in Bangladesh a not prepared for this crisis. They are facing shortage of basic needs to treat Covid 19 patient .
Oxygen is the prime requirement for respiratory failure which is the most serious consequence of severe COVID 19 infection.
Chittagong is far behind in management of Covid 19 patient. Doctors are not able to care for patient due to shortage of oxygen delivery system in major Covid hospital. People are dying helplessly due to lack of oxygen.
Providing 2 oxygen delivery system , which are reusable, transportable will save lives of patients in Chittagong.
Project Cost: $12,000
Project Duration: One time.
How it aligns with HBB mission: Mission and vision of HBB is to support underprivileged people with medical needs . Providing oxygen delivery system will save lives in Chittagong in this critical situation. Oxygen support system is the prime needs among other treatments for acute respiratory failure.
Success Criteria/Sustainability: Saving lives day in and day out in this pandemic situation is the goal of this project . COVID19 pandemic is expected to end in February 2021 in Bangladesh. 2 oxygen delivery system can be used with out any maintenance In different clinic when it is needed.

HBB Stand in Solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives Matter

HBB is devastated by the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless others as a result of the ongoing police brutality across the country. HBB stands in solidarity with the Black community to help dismantle the systemic violence, oppression, and marginalization of Blacks in this country. This needs to end. As an organization with a diverse membership, we believe it is our duty to help eliminate all manner and forms of prejudice, discrimination and injustice targeted at people of color.  

Silence is not an option anymore. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.”  George Floyd’s death is a painful reminder of the consequences of silence.  As the world bends a knee for the Black Lives Matter movement, it become obvious to all that we have yet to achieve our shared belief that all human beings are created equal and deserve to live with equal justice for all.  The time has come to rise above skin color and begin modeling the principles of inclusion, respect and appreciation for all minorities whose skin color make them easy targets for the intolerant and prejudiced.  Everyone needs to help so that all can have the equal chance to live life to the fullest. We all need to listen, share and ask ourselves, what we can I do to influence positive change, to weed out injustice and help bring peace and order to a troubled world. We hope you will continue to support HBB in its fight for equal justice for all, particularly those marginalized by prejudice based on skin color. 

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