Bangladesh Independence Day celebration and HBB’s Annual Fundraising Gala Event

Bangladesh Independence Day celebration and HBB’s Annual Fundraising Gala Event is just a week away. We have made arrangements for your in-person participation at this auspicious event in a magnificent theater so you may enjoy an extraordinary evening with your family and friends after a long 2-year pandemic break.  Please join to re-energize yourself – eat, shop, socialize, sit back, relax, and celebrate freedom of your roots, together.  Watch amazing performances by our talented community members. Find out how HBB is making an impact, with your support, to alleviate the effects of poverty, disease, and ignorance in the lives of countless underprivileged individuals globally.  And be ready to be captivated by the delightful performance by this year’s versatile and renowned guest artist – Shantoneel Dhar. 

Date and time: California: Saturday, 26th March 2022, 5PM

Bangladesh: Sunday, 27th March 2022, 6 AM (Facebook streaming starts at 8 AM)Elsewhere: calculate your local time Venue: Richard Brunelle Performance Hall, 315 W 14th St, Davis, CA 95616Registration: via Evite (sent separately)

 To DONATE for HBB’s noble mission in this fund drive, please use this secure link under “DONATE” menu in our website. Event Segment 1: স্বাধীনতার মেলা (Freedom fair)·      Meet and greet·      Variety Stalls – books, ethnic clothes & jewelry, traditional mouthwatering Bangladeshi snacks including mishti, jhalmuri, pitha, etc., and delicious dinner menu. ·      Photo Booth: Private fun photography with Bangladesh Independence Day theme

·      Activity area for young childrenEvent Segment 2:  স্বাধীনতার চেতনা (Spirit of Freedom)·    Cultural heritage themed stunning performances by local community members

·    HBB presentation

·     Solo guest artist concert

Launching of Robotic Telemedicine in Bangladesh – a collaborative effort by HBB (24 October 2021)

সুবিধা বঞ্চিত মানুষের জন্য ̈ সুলভ ̈ হবে। দুর্লভ রোগের রোগ বিশ্লেষন কম খরচে সুদক্ষ চিকিৎসকের মাধ্যমে করা যাবে।

দেশী বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তার এবং রোগী সামনাসামনি আলোচনার মাধ্যমে রোগ নির্ণয় এবং চিকিৎসা করতে পারেন । একজন বাংলাদেশী বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তার সহজেই একজন বিদেশী বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তারের সাথে পরামর্শ ও মতবিনিময় করার সুযোগ রয়েছে। চিকিৎসার জন্য বিদেশভ্রমণ কমিয়ে দেশের বৈদেশিক মুদ্রার অপচয় কমানো যাবে । রোগ নির্নয় বিষয়ক পরীক্ষা নিরীক্ষা এক্স-রে, মেমোগ্রাম, এম আর আই, আল্ট্রা সনোগ্রাম, ইকেজি, ইইজি, প্যাথোলজী রিপোর্ট, সিটি ̄স্ক্যান ইকো কারডিওগ্রাাম এর মাধ্যমে সেবা দান করা যাবে। মানসিক রোগীদের থেরাপী দেয়া সহজ হবে। রোগীর পরিচর্যার ক্ষেত্রে ̧ণগত মান বৃদ্ধি পাবে । দধæত চিকিৎসা সেবা পাওয়া যায়। খরচ কম তাছাড়া এ পদ্ধতিতে রোগীকে সরাসরি বিদেশে না গিয়ে দেশেই বিদেশী চিকিৎসকের সুপরামর্শ গ্রহন করতে পারবে এবং দেশের বৈদেশিক মুদধার অপচয় কমে যাবে।

HBB 2022 Independence Day celebration and HBB’s annual fundraising gala event

As the pandemic situation eases, we are excited to announce that HBB’s 2022 Annual Gala Event will be held in-person in a magnificent performing Hall in Davis, under a congenial indoor environment. We will be bringing back this highly rated community event with its tradition – celebration of Bangladesh Independence Day together and Giving Back to the community with the spirit of freedom. An extraordinary performance segment by the community participants will be followed by our celebrity guest artist. This year we are presenting Shantoneel Dhar, an award-winning and versatile singer (

Get ready to see your friends after a long pandemic break! Celebrate freedom of your heritage together and rejuvenate your passion to transform it to a gift of freedom for the less fortunate. See what HBB is doing with your support beyond political freedom in the lives of the underserved communities. Learn how you can use the HBB platform to help these communities reach their full potential. 

HBB’s first long term project Distant Healthcare (TELEHEALTH)

HBB’s first long term project Distant Healthcare (TELEHEALTH) Virtual Platform arrived in Bangladesh at our collaborative partnering (IACIB) hospital and the HBB’s long waited Telemedicine program will be launched soon after primary setup and training of contributing healthcare professionals including doctors, nurses and others are completed.

HBB’s 5th Annual Gala Event was a great success

HBB is thankful to you all for your support that made our 5th gala event  It was an amazing virtual show of Bangladesh Independence Golden Jubilee celebration and HBB’s 2021 fundraising gala event on last Saturday (27 March) evening! The seamless delivery of a spectacular cultural show and an outstanding HBB presentation kept our audience hooked to their virtual screens at their homes past midnight California time. Simply put, our expectations, including the fundraising goal, were exceeded in nearly all aspects of this very special virtual program this year. Your overwhelming response, despite the ongoing pandemic, turning your spirit of freedom into the support of HBB’s noble mission for the less fortunate, has inspired us all more than ever. We are grateful to you all – everyone from Sacramento to Sydney – who joined to celebrate this benchmark gala event and supported our noble cause. 

We deeply appreciate the time and efforts put forward by hard-working performers and many volunteer teams behind the scenes including the skillful Zoom team, insightful fundraising team and dynamic event management members of our HBB team. We are thankful to the unparalleled support of our all-remote attendees, patrons, donors and well-wishers of this long lasting yet enjoyable virtual show. Our sincere apologies for any imperfections or mistakes during this event.  

If you missed the program, you can watch it here. To support HBB’s noble cause, please donate safely and securely at

We hope to see you all on March 26th, 2022 at HBB’s next annual event. 

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